Can Witchcraft Backfire? | You Should Know This!

A frequent question asked about spells is, “Can Witchcraft ever backfire?”

What people are really asking is, “Can a Spell, Backfire?”

Witchcraft can backfire if the spell is not thought through well enough. If the spell is not performed correctly, it can fail or backfire.

In this article, we will take a look at this topic in more detail and provide some answers to this common question.

Does a Spell Ever Backfire?

If we look at how spells can backfire, we must first look at what the most famous characters in Witchcraft say on the subject, rather than scrabbling around with lesser figures.

Alistair Crowley

Alistair Crowley, who is considered the founding father of modern British witchcraft, makes it clear that Magic is Transformation.

When performing magic, a transformation is taking place.

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By performing magic, we are attempting a transformation of something into what we want it to be.

Occasionally things will go wrong, and a spell returned, and during the journey, it gathers strength from other energies and can return strengthened.

Alistair Crowley may have said this, but it was Gerald Gardner who defined this process.

Gerald Gardner

Gerald Gardner, a Wiccan priest, spoke about this topic and defined the law that makes this happen as the Law of Three.

The Law or Rule of Three

Gerald Gardner expanded what Crowley had said and made a clear statement, saying that if a spell’s energy is returned, it will be amplified, so it is three times as strong.

Every action that returns will be multiplied by three.

This belief in the Law of Three is shared by Wiccans, Neo-Pagans, and some occultists.

Some Wiccans use the term Karma for this.

What Can Cause a Spell To Backfire?

Moving on to other reasons why a spell might backfire.

A common reason for a spell backfiring is if the spell was not thought through well enough.

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Casting a spell when you are not aware of all the facts can receive a backlash that you did not expect.

For example, casting a spell that demands justice may turn out very differently from what you expect if the spell’s subject is actually innocent.

A witch once said that you should draft a spell very much like a legal contract, making it very clear its intention.

You should then reread it after 24 hours, and only then, if it still makes sense, should you cast that spell.

Another reason a spell may backfire is a lack of concentration and focus.

The ingredients, incantations, your environment must all be correct.

If you do not focus and you make errors, the spell can fail or backfire.

If the spell fails, trying another spell may be quite harmful.

It is possible that the two sets of magic are incompatible and will interfere with each other.

In this case, unpredictable events can occur, which includes the spell backfiring on you.

What about “Love Spells?”

There are three ways a love spell will backfire, according to a professional love spell caster.

1 – Does not work

The softest result of a love spell backfiring is when an inexperienced spell caster uses them is when the spell does not work, and the caster is disappointed.

2 – The Love Spell results in the subject hating the caster

A spell that backfires may cause the opposite effect to occur.

A spell intended to result in love could actually make the subject hate the caster.

Who knows what consequences that will cause.

3 – Cause Harm

A backfired love spell may actually cause actual harm to the caster.

A spell is a form of energy, and energy can be potentially dangerous.

The love spell’s energy could be transformed into another type of spell as it bounces back at the caster.

Methods Used To Block Spells

Of course, it may be possible that the subject of your spell has taken action to prevent anyone from casting a spell on them.

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There are many methods of doing this.

These methods include the following:

Candles: The Malleus Maleficarum gave inquisitors clear instructions to use candles to stop witches from injury from witches. These holy candles were also used for exorcism.

Charms: Charms are magical words, prayers, or phrases used to ward off witchcraft.

Garlic: We think of garlic mainly connected with vampires, but actually, garlic is equally good at warding off witches.

Mistletoe: This used to be hung in homes to ward off witchcraft

Should the subject of your spell have used these protections or one of the many other ones available in different cultures, then your spell may backfire.

What Can You Do If a Spell Backfires

One method of breaking a spell that stems back from Ann Green, a witch (or cunning woman), in 1654 was to place a cutting of the victim’s hair in some of his urine, boiling it, and then throwing it on the fire.

The fire apparently destroyed the spell.

Keeping a Spell from Backfiring

We have established how spells can backfire because of errors made by the one who casts the spell.

We have also looked at some ways that people can protect themselves from the spells.

The question has to be, “How can I stop a spell from backfiring?”

One solution is to place a protection spell on yourself.

It will protect you from evil and bad energy for up to six months. This gives you an element of protection.

A better method of protection is to use a “Backfire Protection Spell.”

To do this, the witch must find a very dark thread, burn some incense, and as she ties three knots in the thread, she should recite…

“By the Karmic Power of Three

This spell tied and knotted be

To cause no harm nor return to me

As I will it, so must it be”

Difference Between Witchcraft And Wizardry

Comments From a Practicing Witch in Milwaukee

Bringing this discussion back to today. Many people ask if witches still cast spells.

The answer is yes, we do. We cast spells for prosperity, protection, attracting love, getting a new job, and so on.

To do this, you can either use spells from a book or create your own.

But whichever way you do it, the key factor is to have good intentions.

What about bad spells? She says she has never placed bad spells.

One tip she had was if someone is bothering you and will not leave you alone.

Place a photograph of them in your deep freeze, and this will stop them from bothering you. Other than that, it causes them no harm!

Learn Witchcraft

Can you learn Witchcraft without the necessity to learn any occult system for years?

The answer is YES – thanks to this online course!

If Witchcraft is something that interests you but you don’t want to study any occult system, this training will be great for you!

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Final Thought

To conclude, there is one important rule in Wicca that quite possibly is the most important one.

This rule states the following:

“Harm None, Do What You Will”

If you follow this guiding principle of Wicca, then the chances of a spell backfiring become minimal.

Mojmir Trefulka

I believe that life is magic. I'm a playing cards collector, I love performing magic tricks and I'm also the owner of a small magic shop. Apart from that I like to explore different kinds of supernatural magic that we all have in our lives and I like to share what I learn... I'm great fan of Harry Potter...

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